All competitors must have an event pass to compete!
Competitions during social dancing do not require event passes.
Specialty Jack & Jill Competitions
Bird Box
This Jack & Jill event consists of a leader who can see and a follower who is blind folded. Followers, it’s time to put your following skills to the test and see how well you really follow. Do you trust your partner? We hope so. Let the fun begin!
This Jack & Jill consists of a leader who can lead their follower with one arm (of their choosing) through-out the whole dance. Leaders, can you give the followers an amazing dance experience with just one hand? Followers, how well can you make all those turns happen with just one connection? Lets see who’s up for the challenge!
This Jack & Jill event starts off with a leader and a follower, both during the course of the event, roles will swap whenever a certain sound is played by he DJ. Don’t panic, just swap roles. Can you switch roles effortlessly without being confused?
1 for 2 Stealers Special
The girl is mine! NO, the boy is mine… how about we settle this on the dance floor! Ok, you got it. This Jack & Jill event pairs 2 leaders with one follower. It’s time to put your stealing technique to the test. Can you switch partners and steal smoothly without interrupting the timing and keeping your follower engaged? Team work wins, there is no i in team.
S&A Hustle Musical Circle Challenge
Imagine the childhood game of Musical Chairs but the Lead is “the chair” A judge will tap out a Lead among the couples. The remaining Follow hovers until… THE MUSIC STOPS! All Follows have to find a new Lead! The Follow without a Lead is eliminated. Repeat until there is only one couple left! Don’t be slow – in the words of Ricky Bobby, “If you’re not first, you’re last”. Get ready for some Epic partner changing moments!
2 for 1 Leaders Paradise
As a Leader, have you ever dreamed how amazing dancing would be with two followers? Well ALACAZAM… the Hustle Genie has just granted your wish! This Jack & Jill event grants 1 leader with 2 followers, partnered as a couple. It’s time to live out your leading fantasy on the competition floor. Can you lead two followers at once or is it too much trouble for the double?
Rules & Regulations
